No more turns

Thanks to the LD POOL counter-current technology

The LD POOL difference

LD POOL offers more than conventional suspended counter-current pools or jets – our pools are fully integrated systems that guarantee maximum swimming comfort and performance.

Animierter Querschnitt einer LD POOL Gegenstromanlage, der Veranschaulicht wie das Wasser in einem LD POOL bewegt wird.

Our mission

Our mission is to offer people around the world the best swimming experience. We create solutions that are characterised by technical perfection, user-friendliness and versatility. Whether for sport, therapy or leisure – LD POOL sets new standards and ensures that swimming becomes an experience that inspires, relaxes and delights.


A perfect swimming sensation

Genießen Sie ein einzigartiges Schwimmgefühl. The wide, even current ensures a pleasant and effective workout that adapts perfectly to your pace. No choppy water or hard current points - our counter-current pools offer a gentle but powerful current that is ideal for both amateur and professional swimmers.

High performance

Our patented technology delivers exceptional performance that goes far beyond conventional systems. With the powerful and even flow, you experience swimming training at the highest level - whether for sporting purposes or for health.

A finished product

An LD POOL is supplied as a finished, pre-installed product that already contains all the necessary components. Dadurch entfallen Nachrüstungen oder versteckte Zusatzkosten, wie es oft bei herkömmlichen Gegenstromanlagen der Fall ist. You receive a complete solution that is ready for immediate use and guarantees the highest quality and durability.

Low maintenance

LD POOL Gegenstromanlagen sind nicht nur leistungsstark, sondern auch äußerst wartungsarm. Dank der robusten und langlebigen Bauweise der Technik, und die hochwertigen Materialien, müssen Sie sich keine Sorgen über ständige Reparaturen oder aufwendige Wartung machen. Our counter-current pools offer a durable and reliable solution that gives you more time to swim and relax.

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